Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Organizing the study schedule

In my last blog i told you about the time-table and how it can help you to organize your study schedule. 

Making a time-table is easy, but the important thing is to follow a time table. It is the time-table following where most of the students are not particular about. They create a good time-table, but once they start following it, after two or three days of following, they find it difficult to follow the time-table. 
You may find it difficult to follow time-table, but practice make you perfect to follow a time-table. So i suggest you to rigorously practice and follow your time table.   
Once you become habitual to follow your time-table you will find that most of the work is getting finished easily and you are also learning more from your study. 

As this quote says:

Action is the foundational key to all success.

So i suggest you to take an action make time-table and follow it from the bottom of your heart. It will lead you to success.

How to organize the study

Organized study play a vital role in getting knowledge from the books and also helps in developing an overall understanding of various subjects.
We can organize our studies by making a time table of study. This time table will help us to study daily on various times of the day. The time table will also help us to systematize our study and we will be able to understand the subjects easily. A good time table will save time for us for other activities such as sports and other activities. 
So i recommend to all the students to make a time table for organizing their study.

A sample time table is given below:

Daily Plan
6 to 7:30
Math or any difficult subject
7:30 to 9:00
Daily activities
9:00 to 4:00
School time
4:00 to 7:00
Domestic works and other important activities
7:00 to 8:00
Dinner and TV
8:00 to 11:00
Study at least two or three subjects.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A interesting video on how to study

Here, i am posting a youtube video, which have some great ideas on how to study effectively. You can check this video.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Purpose of Study

Most of the students during their initial schooling years are confused, that why are they studying? I would like to give some genuine reasons to students about the purpose of study.

  • We study to get the knowledge about the various things nearby us. Like how the water heats up? Why winter and summer comes and goes?
  • We study to increase our knowledge about the society, how it functions and what type of behavior we should display among the elders, how should be behave with younger ones.
  • Study develops our thinking pattern and help us to think rationally. 
  • Study help us to fulfill our thrust of knowledge. 
  • Study help us to move up in life, as we see that most of the successful people in the world are well educated.

All about the studies made easy blog

Dear friends the purpose of starting this blog is to help the students in various study matters. The Blog will help students to get detailed knowledge on various aspects of studies. This blog will help students organize their studies in a systematic manner. The blog will help the students to perform their best in their academic years.

Best of Luck to all the students...
