Friday, April 20, 2012

How to become a favroite student of your teacher

Here are 10 tips to become a favorite student of your teacher:

  1. Always come to class on time. Most of the teachers notice and recognize students who are always on time and ready to learn.
  2. Come prepared. Have all of your notes, homework and any other material needed for class.
  3. Try to sit in the first two rows of the classroom. Sitting in the front of the room, not only will make you stay awake, but the teacher will notice you.
  4. Pay attention the class when a teacher is teaching. This will reflect that you are interested in the subject. Teachers like the students who pay attention in the class.
  5. Don't make noise in the class by unnecessary chatting while teacher is in class. Normally, talking before/after the bell is okay but don't be too loud. Teachers appreciate students who are quiet and hard working. Be attentive, not talkative, while you're in class.
  6. Ask the relevant questions in class. It will help you to create a good image in the eyes of a good teacher.  
  7. Help the teacher whenever he asks for a volunteer.
  8.  Actively participate in the various cultural and non cultural activities of your school or college. 
  9.   Make your parents go to parent teacher conferences. Advise them to ask how you can do better at the subject.
  10. Thank you your teacher when he is leaves the class after teaching. 


Even if you do all the above mentioned steps, you still not become all of your teachers favorite. It all depends on the personality of each teacher.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How to set up a study group

Study groups are a good way for small numbers of students to work together. These groups can
range in size from two or three students to six or more, but they shouldn’t get much bigger. When a dozen students try to work together regularly, they’re likely to have scheduling problems and get distracted more easily.
Students in study groups meet regularly to discuss class work and help one another with assignments and
lessons. A good way for these groups to function is to choose one group member to set an agenda for each meeting, based on the class’s current lessons and assignments. It is up to the group to decide whether the same person should take on this responsibility regularly or rotate the job among all of the study group members.
Study groups have clear benefits. Members of small groups are apt to share the same attitude and motivation toward their studies so they are able to focus without being distracted by someone who may not be interested. Also, one group member may grasp certain class material more thoroughly than the others and so can help those who need assistance.
Those who need assistance in one area may, in turn, be more knowledgeable about other points and return the favor. When you set up a study group, you must arrange a few things at the beginning. Members of a new study group should get together after school to work out the details. They need to decide when and how often to meet. Meetings work best when they take place on the same days and times each week, though adjustments can be made. Next, the group should decide where to meet. Meetings can rotate among the homes of the members, but if one member has a perfect place to work and volunteers it, that can be even better. All group members should share the responsibility of providing snacks or refreshments, if there are going to be any, and the responsibility for cleaning up after sessions. At that first meeting, everyone should write down his or her address and phone number on a contact list. A group member with a computer can make copies of the list so that every member has the information.
If the group has trouble staying focused because a particular member or members cause distractions the group’s makeup may need to change. When they are properly organized, study groups can help the performance of all the students involved.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tips to control your mind for study

To study effectively it is very necessary to control your mind. Because a controlled mind only can give you desired results.   Here are some ways through which you can control your mind.
  1. Weed out petty negativity: The best way to practice this is to make watertight compartments for your mind. I know  it’s easier said than done but  this is  a sure shot way to overcome distraction. Say, you’ve a personal problem that constantly distract you from your study; you need to  solve the  problem first, before you begin study. One's the problem is solved tell yourself that you’ll not allow anger/negativity to bother you.  
  2. What distracts you? Identifying distracting thoughts is the most important way of controlling the mind. Figure out why you’re not able to focus or pay attention and what keeps your mind per-occupied? Give yourself time to identify these thoughts and write them down. After you’re through with writing them, see them objectively and then you know why these are disturbing and harmful for you. Encourage self talk to overcome this. Once you start doing this regularly, you’ll know how to eliminate these thoughts from your mind. 
  3. Meditate: Remember, meditation is for the mind, what food is to body. It helps in a holistic way, re-energizing you and thereby helping you to control your mind. Learn to relax and meditate even while working. Close your eyes for a while and try concentrating on an object. If you can concentrate for some time, you’ll be the master of your mind very soon. 
  4. Know yourself well: To keep your mind in control, you need to know yourself . You’ve to be aware of who you are and your study goals. Then you can ask your mind to follow you, otherwise, you’ll blindly follow an in disciplined mind and in the end, go nowhere.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A book worth reading for all students

Dear friends

Recently i have published a new book for students. This book is very helpful during your school and college years. Many strategies about the study and personal development is given in the book.

If your want to purchase it, you can follow the following link to purchase it. It is available on

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Time saving tips for students

Here are 10 time saving tips for students.

  1.  Reduce the number of your TV watching hours.
  2. Use waiting time effectively- take some book or handy notes with you and read them while waiting for a bus or something else.
  3. Reduce the number of useless phone calls.
  4. Set a fixed time for the Internet use; don’t waste time in useless chatting and checking e-mail.
  5. Use travel time effectively- if you get a place to sit, you can read small topics and if you are in crowded bus or train then carry palm size cards with new terms, formula, and other memory chores so that your sitting or standing time becomes learning time.
  6. Learn to say no- for example, a friend of yours would like you to see a movie with him tonight. You made social plans for tomorrow with your friends and tonight you were going to study. You really are not interested. You want to say no, but you hate turning people down. Politely saying no should become a habit. Saying no frees up time for the things that are most important.
  7. Avoid useless chatting with friends.
  8. Avoid playing lot of games on computer; it is also the biggest time waster.
  9. Make a diary of task you want to achieve during the day. It will help you to utilize your time effectively.
  10. Notice the useless activities during the day and try to minimize them. It will save enough time for you. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

How to overcome pear pressure

Here is a great video on how to overcome pear pressure in School and college life:

Sunday, April 8, 2012

How to discipline

Here I am giving you some methods using which you can make yourself more disciplined and can get more success in your academics and life by putting disciplined efforts.

Planning- To be organized first of all you need to do some planning of your entire day’s activities. In the previous chapter I have given you a study plan. Use this plan to design your own study plan and daily activities plan. Follow this plan and at the end of the day check your progress with your plan. Compare your day’s activities with planned activities and if any grievance is there identify that grievance and remove it the next day. This is the best way to make yourself disciplined.

Execution- Whatever activities you planned in the planning part if you do not have the willpower to execute those activities, then the whole process of planning will be a waste. So you need to develop will power to follow your planned activities.

Timing- Fix a particular time for every activity. And try to finish that activity in the given time. Follow this timing each day. Like if you have fixed 6 to 6.30 as the time for physical exercise then finish your exercise every day at the same time. By doing an activity regularly everyday, you will become accustomed to doing that activity. After some time without putting much effort you will be able to do that activity everyday.

Continuity- You need to maintain continuity in your daily activities. Until and unless you follow your daily planned activities, you are not going to be disciplined. To become disciplined, continuity should be there.

To be disciplined, you need a lot of courage and willpower. Until and unless you put your sincere efforts in the direction of self discipline, you will not be able to achieve it.